PKT-Honey 2023

The crowning achievement of our commitment

PKT-Honey 2023 – the crowning achievement of our commitment to nature and biodiversity

The busy buzzing of our bees in meadows and forests is now over. Throughout the year, they have been collecting sweet nectar and aromatic honeydew, carrying it home to the hive sometimes over a long distance, feeding their offspring and their queen and building up winter stocks.

Now that the days become shorter and colder and the work for the bees is done, we are looking forward to their aromatic and genuine product, our PKT honey. Of course, our beekeepers always make sure, there are left enough honeycombs in the colony, so that our bees can start the new year strengthened by the vital forces of its own honey.

Together with our bee experts at, we are sure that a future worth living only can be grown by good and sustainable doing and that is what we stand for.

(Find out more in our infocenter at PKT in motion)